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Tracy Bennett 2
In this week's episode, you will discover how Dr. Tracy Bennett found an unusual way to cope with the death of her father, the death of her step-mother plus caring for her mother who was suffering from dementia,...
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Uma Girish 2
In this week's episode Uma Girish talks about how we can embrace, even the grief felt in menopause and start a new phase of our lives and also discusses the differences between the way menopause is perceived in Indian...
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0053 Dating again during the Menopause Years - Veronica Grant
Wither you are looking for a new relationship due to divorce, being a widow or never met the right partner, it can be daunting starting the dating process again after many years. Veronica gives us advice on how to...
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0052 Age Related Macular Degeneration - Pauline McCarthy
This week Pauline talks about the problem of eyesight becoming worse as we get older and some things that might help us improve it.
Relieve Eye Strain with these expert tips:...
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0051 Meditation for Menopause - Tristan Gribbin
Tristan explains about meditation and how it has helped her through menopausal symptoms. Her company FLOW is involved in making a Virtual Reality meditation experience, with 3D images of Iceland....
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0050 Changes in Our Lives During the Menopause Years - Pauline McCarthy
Pauline describes the emotional turmoil we sometimes have during the empty nest syndrome but how this is the time for us to make big changes in our lives. Time to focus on what we want to do with the second half of...
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0049 Tantric Tips for Menopause - Dhumavati Ananda
In this weeks episode, we learn a load of Tantric Tips to help us through peri-menopause and menopause. Dhumavati Ananda and Pauline have a good humoured but educational discussion on the merits of Tantric Yoga...
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0048 Become Menopause Free - the Viewpoint of Tantric Yoga - Dhumavati Ananda
In this weeks episode, Dumavati Ananda explains the concepts of Tantric Yoga regarding menstruation and menopause. Some very interesting and fascinating information.
Dhumavatiananda began practising yoga in 1989,...
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0047 Unusual Menopause Symptom - Tingling in Extremities
In this weeks episode, Pauline talks about one of the lesser known and unusual menopause symptoms - Tingling or burning sensation in the hands and feet.
Only a small percentage of women experience this symptom but...
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0046 Menopause Midrift - Pauline McCarthy
In this weeks episode Pauline talks about one of the problems facing many menopausal women - Midlife Midrift, that spare tire around our bellies.
Feel free to contact Pauline with your weight problems or successes....
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0045 Chinese Medicine Methods to Help with Menopause - Brodie Welch
Brodie explains about Yin & Yang, the feminine cycles of 7 years compared to men's 8 cycles, the concept of Jing and how we can use Chinese Medicine to cope with stress and how we can benefit from this during...
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0044 Coping with Stress during Menopause - Pauline McCarthy
In this weeks edition, Pauline talks about the importance of managing stress to reduce menopausal symptoms. Using discernment to work out what tasks are urgent and what are important. Taking the time to breath and...
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